Vinyl Print

Vinyl Print

Your artwork is printed and cut by a computer controlled printer cutter (CAD cut), we remove the unwanted vinyl (weeding) leaving just your design which is applied to a sticky backing paper, correctly positioned on the garment and then pressed onto the fabric using a specific combination heat and pressure under an industrial heat press.

Vinyl print is ideal for Hi Vis Workwear, Sportswear, Tri Suits, Leavers Hoodies, Stretch Fabrics such as Leggings and Shorts, Nylon Bags and Umbrellas. It is best suited to simple texts and graphics as the weeding process can be time consuming for more intricate designs.

There are are a vast array of specialised vinyls available to enhance your design including Metallic Foils, Glitters, Flock and Fluorescent or Reflective Colours.

Watch Our Video to See The Process in Action